
September 2022

The lab just received a major Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation project to improve anti-malaria antibodies for low-cost solutions toward malaria eradication. Many thanks to Gates Foundation for this exciting partnership, and we are excited to get started!


July 2022

CONGRATULATIONS MATHEUS ON YOUR WEDDING!!! We are so excited and happy for you both!!!

June 2022

Bailey’s first-author paper on improving anti-malarial antibody drug candidates toward malaria eradication was just released in the Journal of Experimental Medicine. You can read more about it here.


December 2021

Ahmed Fahad, a founding member of the lab, wraps up his PhD at the KU Pharmaceutical Chemistry department, and now joins us again here in Cambridge to develop new approaches in immune engineering. Congratulations Dr. Fahad!!


December 2021

Bailey Banach, a founding member of the lab, wraps up her PhD at the KU Bioengineering Program. From here, she is off to start her new adventures in the biotech venture capital space.  Congratulations Dr. Banach!!